Shevchenko Victor (c) DR 05_24

Viktor Shevchenko


“… Shevchenko possesses a firm, strong bass, reple- te with an array of dark shadings. The vocal line is totally secure, which he accented with beautiful co-

lourings and nuanced emphases… “- writes .

 Viktor Shevchenko was born in Mykolayiv, Ukraine and first studied violin at a mu- sic school. Continued his studing in the music college, where studied choral and symphonic conducting. He graduated from the Odessa National Academy of Music li- ke classical singer, at the same time started to work at the Odessa National Opera.

 Now works as a guest soloist mostly in Europe, performed in such places as Wiener Staatsoper, Prague State Opera, Classic Open Air at Gendarmenmarkt (Berlin), Are- na di Verona, Teatro Verdi di Trieste, Teatro Pavarotti-Freni Modena, Teatro Comuna- le di Bologna, Teatro lrico di Cagliari and others.

The repertoire includes opera parts:

Uberto in La serva padrona,                                                       G.Pergolesi

Don Giovanni, Leporello and Commendatore in Don Giovanni,    W.Mozart Dottore Dulcamara in L’elisir d’amore,

Raimondo in Lucia di Lammermoor,                                           G.Donizetti

Escamillo in Carmen,

Nourabad in Les pecheurs de perles                                            G.Bizet

Zaccaria in Nabucco,

Filippo and Inquisitore in Don Carlo,

Ramfis and Il Re in Aida,

Ferrando in Il Trovatore,

Sparafucile and Monterone in Rigoletto, Samuel and Tom in Un ballo in maschera, Dottore Grenvil in La traviata,

Lodovico in Otello,                                                                     G. Verdi

Le Duc in Romeo et Juliette,                                                      Ch. Gounod 

Timur in Turandot,

Colline in La Boheme,

Cesare Angelotti in Tosca,                                                         G. Puccini

Konig Heinrich in Lohengrin,                                                     R. Wagner

Boris and Pimen in Boris Godunov,                                             M. Musorgskiy

 Konchak in Prince Igor,                                                             A. Borodin

King Rene in Iolantha,

Prince Gremin in Eugene Onegin,

Tomskij in The Queen of Spades,                                                P. Tchaikovsky

Soljony in Tri Sestri                                                                   Peter Eotvos

 Bass parts in: Messa da Requiem by W. A. Mozart and G. Verdi, Symphony No. 9, L. v. Beethoven